Volkswagen Polo 3 with 1994 for 2001 of release.
1. The general data
2. The engine
3. Greasing system
4. Cooling system
5. Systems of injection of fuel
5.1. Measures on cleanliness maintenance at works on injection system
5.2. Security measures at works with injection system
5.3. Adjustment of idling and the maintenance WITH
5.4. Check of details of system of injection Mono-Motronic
5.5. A cable of management throttle заслонкой
5.6. System of catching of steams of fuel
5.7. Check and replacement of the fuel pump
5.7.1. The control of a supply of pressure
5.7.2. Check of giving of the pump
5.7.3. Replacement of the fuel pump/gauge of a fuel tank
5.8. The fuel filter
5.9. System of injection of design Magnetti–Marelli 1 AV (since 1996)
5.10. System of injection of fuel Motronic МР 9.0 (since 1996)
6. Ignition system
7. Coupling
8. A mechanical transmission
9. A drive of wheels
10. A steering without the amplifier
11. A steering with the hydraulic amplifier
12. A forward suspension bracket
13. A back suspension bracket
14. Brake system
15. An electric equipment
16. Heating and ventilation system
17. An automatic transmission
18. Appendices


5.7.2. Check of giving of the pump

The manometre is necessary for reliability of check of giving of the pump. As its giving depends on pressure during the concrete moment of time to define precisely giving it is possible only in service centre Volkswagen on the basis of the special table.

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5.7.1. The control of a supply of pressure
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5.7.3. Replacement of the fuel pump/gauge of a fuel tank