6.3.2. Management checkFor check it is necessary to execute following operations:
- To disconnect from an injector the tip of a jet and the tip of a heater of air (to avoid fuel giving);
Fig. 128. Check of management by the transformer of a chain of ignition: 1, 2, 3 — contacts; 4 — the basic socket of a chain of ignition
- To connect a light-emitting diode sampler between contacts 2 (fig. 128) and 3 tips of the transformer of chains of ignition;
- To press a starter (without concerning thus wires on the transformer of chains of ignition);
- The light-emitting diode should blink. If it does not occur, the gauge of the Hall concerning the distributor of ignition, or the block of management of system can be faulty;
- Again to disconnect a tester and to insert the tip into a connecting socket (having disconnected preliminary ignition);
- Even more to narrow search of a plausible reason of malfunction, it is possible to check up a light-emitting diode sampler of the plug 1 and 15, specified in fig. 126. At inclusion of a starter the light-emitting diode should blink. Otherwise to replace the ignition coil together with the powerful terminal cascade;
Fig. 126. The high voltage transformer in system of ignition Mono-Motronic
- The taken out tips again to insert into corresponding sockets.
If the described kinds of the control do not lead to success it is necessary to send the car СТОА as can be and other malfunctions influencing system of ignition.