2.1.1. RemovalTaking into account features of various systems of injection of fuel corresponding works should be spent depending on an engine design. So, always separate connections of system of injection between the engine and a body irrespective of a year of release of the car.
Engine removal is necessary for spending in a following order:
- To disconnect at the switched off ignition of a wire and the storage battery;
- To check up all electric connections, to define the locations обвязок which are necessary for cutting. But, that them again to establish on former places, the last should be marked in appropriate way. It is possible to use instead of cable обвязок a sticky tape;
- The cowl of the engine is better for removing though to do it not necessarily. If this operation is spent, note a pencil on a metal surface of a cowl external contours of hinges to establish a cowl during installation in initial position;
- To establish the car on a viewing ditch or the lift or to bring under a forward part high enough and reliable support, to provide access to its bottom surface. Never to establish support under the oil pallet of the engine or a transmission. The car is necessary for establishing on support at lifting as it is described in подразд. 1.5 also it is shown on fig. 6 and 7;
- To merge a liquid from cooling system. For this purpose at first to unscrew a stopper of a broad tank, to accelerate plums of a cooling liquid. To weaken a collar of the bottom hose of a radiator and to take out a hose. To disconnect a hose of system of cooling from the thermostat case. The heater crane should be opened, that all cooling liquid could flow out from the heater block. To keep cooling liquid for a reuse if its kind and service life does not cause doubts;
- To deduce a cable of a drive of management of coupling from gearing with the lever of deenergizing of coupling as it is described in section 7. In it recommendations about carrying out of check of coupling which should be carried out before engine installation also are made.
The cars equipped with the steering mechanism with the amplifier:
- To dismantle the steering mechanism with the amplifier according to recommendations in corresponding section and to fix its wire on an arm. Hoses thus remain on the pump. To dismantle a broad tank of a steering and to fix it.
Cars with the conditioner:
The prevention
Not to suppose at all depressurization of a contour of circulation of a liquid coolant of a central air. At dismantle and installation to watch to damaging the evaporator and not to deform hoses and highways.
- To turn away bolts of fastening of a broad tank for a coolant, to remove cautiously tank and to lower it downwards;
- To turn away all collars of fastening of highways of circulation of a coolant;
- To weaken a tension of a belt of a drive of units on the face party of the engine and to remove it as it is described in corresponding section;
- To remove the holder of the lock of a cowl as it is described more low;
Fig. 14. Compressor and arm fastening: 1 — an arm; 2 — a bolt with шестигранной a head, 45 Нм; 3 — a bolt with шестигранной a head, 45 Нм; 4 — hoses of system of cooling; 5 — the compressor
- For compressor dismantle it is necessary to spend a number of a spadework. To remove a generator arm, the pump of the amplifier of a steering and the compressor. It means that after dismantle of the pump of the amplifier of a steering it is necessary to remove and the generator then it is possible to dismantle the compressor. Last cautiously to put sideways together with the holder of the lock of a cowl, without bending hoses. On fig. 14 fastening of the listed knots, on fig. 15 — places of fixing elements is shown .
Fig. 15. Places of fixing elements
Removal of the holder of the lock of a cowl of the engine
As the engine is taken out from a motor compartment upwards forward the holder of the lock of a cowl it is necessary to dismantle together with the details fixed on it. In the presence of air conditioner it is necessary to consider resulted above the recommendation about placing of details after dismantle. Places of fastening of the holder of the lock are shown on fig. 16. For removal of the holder it is necessary to make the following:
Fig. 16. Knot of fastening of the holder of the lock of a cowl: 1 — the holder of the lock with the attached details; 2 — a special bolt, 5 Нм; 3 — a bolt with шестигранной a head, 23 Нм
- To open all штекерные connections and to disconnect hoses of system of cooling;
- To take a cable of a drive of the lock of a cowl;
- To dismantle a forward bumper. For this purpose to turn away 17 details specified in fig. ;
Fig. 17. Removal and installation of a forward bumper: 1 — a bumper; 2 — bolts with head Torx Т30 (seven), 6 Нм; 3 — распорная a nut; 4 — the rubber shock-absorber; 5 — bolts with шестигранной a head (four), 5 Нм; 6 — a bolt with шестигранной a head (two), 1,5 Нм (only for large bumpers); 7 — a spoiler; 8 — насечная a rivet; 9 — a cover of deepening for a towing hook
- To weaken collars of highways of the conditioner of air (if it is);
- To turn out bolts 2 (fig. 16 see ) and bolts with шестигранной a head 3;
- Cautiously to deduce upwards forward the holder of the lock in gathering with all details fixed on it. At the subsequent installation to watch that at fastening on a body the holder of the lock was not deformed;
- To dismantle балансирную a transmission suspension bracket. For this purpose to turn on specified by an arrow on fig. 18 nut 1, having fixed from проворачивания a bolt head;
Fig. 18. Fastening балансирной transmission suspension brackets: 1 — a nut; 2 — bolts
- To dismantle the air filter according to recommendations (section 6 see). To mark an arrangement of all hoses connected to the filter, and to disconnect from the filter. All open apertures to close pure rags;
- To disconnect a wire of thin section from the coil of ignition and to take out a wire of average section from the coil;
- To disconnect a wire of the gauge of pressure of oil from язычкового contact;
- To disconnect from clips a wire of the gauge of temperature (on a cylinder head to take out the tip);
- To disconnect all tips in a motor compartment;
- To disconnect from clips of a wire of the switch of lamps of a backing on the top party of a transmission (for what preliminary to take away a rubber cap). To mark all wires connected to clips that they could be attached, as before, and to disconnect wires from clips;
- To disconnect both hoses of giving of a cooling liquid and a heater radiator on a head of the block of cylinders after easing of collars (from a highway and the thermostat case). The cooling liquid Thus can follow;
- To disconnect a vacuum hose of the amplifier of a brake drive from an inlet collector;
- To disconnect a fuel hose from the fuel filter and a return highway of giving of fuel;
- To disconnect a cable throttle заслонки. For this purpose to wring out an operating segment before position at which it is possible to unhook a cable. After that to release a cable from a clamp;
- To disconnect the tip on a back cover of the generator after easing of a fixing clip. If in the car air conditioner last is already dismantled is established;
- To disconnect from clips a starter wire (the big nut and a wire of thin section);
- To turn away an exhaust pipe from a knee and to disconnect it from a bow-shaped support. To use for this purpose an insert with the extension piece, working from the bottom party. Access to one of nuts is rather complicated;
- To disconnect on the bottom party of the car a spiral of a tachometre which is kept накидной by a nut of the big diameter. To take out a spiral and to take her aside;
- To disconnect a drive of the mechanism of a gear change. For this purpose it is necessary to turn away a bolt (fig. 19) fastenings connecting муфты and to disconnect system
Fig. 19. A detachment of a drive of the mechanism of a gear change
- To disconnect a cable of a drive of management of coupling from the lever of deenergizing of coupling as "Coupling" is described in section;
- To uncover, separating the breaker from the distributor, a rotor of the distributor of ignition and a dustproof cover, not to admit their damage at dismantle;
- To turn away bolts (fig. 20) fastenings of a back support of a transmission and to disconnect a support from a body and a transmission;
Fig. 20. Bolts of fastening of back support of a transmission
- To separate фланцевое connection of shaft of a drive. The head with internal шестигранником (on 8 mm) is for this purpose used. To adhere shaft a wire to a suspension bracket so that they did not disturb at engine removal;
- To turn away a flat wire of "weight" about an engine mount, without breaking its connection with a body. To turn away an average bolt of fastening of the bearing of a suspension bracket;
- To raise the engine by means of corresponding cables or tapes. Service centres Volkswagen use for this purpose a special collar. The cable can be got under the engine and a transmission and to raise thus the power unit;
- To connect a cable to the crane or the lift and slightly to raise the power unit that the cable has stretched;
- To dismantle the left support of a transmission. For this purpose to turn away the bolts specified in fig. by 20 arrow on the right;
- Slightly to raise the power unit and to develop so that it was possible to take out it from a motor compartment upwards and forward. Thus the power unit is necessary for developing, raising or lowering constantly to spend it without hindrances by all next knots. To watch that any connection has not been lost sight. At jamming of the engine and a transmission in any place it is necessary to reduce immediately effort of the lift and to find out the reason;
- To disconnect the engine from a transmission. It is preliminary necessary to dismantle a starter and картер couplings. After отворачивания connecting bolts to ask the assistant to support the engine and to lower a transmission downwards, without allowing to lean it against coupling.