14.2.1. Replacement brake колодок
Fig. 289. Details of a support of type VW МК.I: 1 — a wheel bolt, 110 Нм; 2 — a brake disk; 3 — a bolt, 10 Нм; 4 — a reflector; 5 — the case of the bearing of a wheel; 6 — a spring of fixing brake колодки; 7 — brake колодка; 8 — the support cylinder; 9 — the bottom directing finger; 10 — the bottom plug; 11 — распорная the plug; 12 — the bottom bolt, 25 Нм; 13 — a bolt; 15 Нм 14 — дефлектор; 15 — the top bolt; 25 Нм; 16 — top распорная the plug; 17 — the top plug; 18 — the top directing finger
For support fastening bolts with шестигранной a head with separate directing fingers are used. On fig. 289 details of a support of type VW MK.I for cars with not ventilated brake disks are shown.
To replace brake колодки it is necessary in a following order:
- To establish a forward part of the car on support;
Fig. 290. Fastening bolts
- To turn away both bolts specified in fig. 290, and to raise a support. Thus to undertake the bottom part of a support and to turn it in specified by an arrow on fig. 291 direction;
Fig. 291. Support turn upwards for removal brake колодок
- To take out brake колодки from the holder of a support. Fixing springs remain above and in the bottom of the holder of a support and act in film in the places specified in fig. 292. In this drawing execution with ventilated brake disks is shown;
Fig. 292. Installation of internal and external springs brake колодок brakes of type VW MK.II
- Cautiously to press the piston into a carving aperture a core from firm wood. Thus the brake liquid can follow from a tank of the main brake cylinder, therefore it is necessary to pump out a quantity of a brake liquid from a tank;
- To measure a thickness of overlays brake колодок. If they together with the metal basis are worn out till the thickness of 7 mm it is necessary to replace them in the complete set;
- The open holder of a support and the cylinder to clear of a brake dust. Simultaneously to be convinced of absence of a liquid which specifies on негерметичность the cylinder. In this case it is necessary to repair the support cylinder (подразд. 14.2.2) or to establish the new.
At installation brake колодок it is necessary to operate as follows:
- To establish brake колодку with большей an overlay surface on lateral aspect;
Fig. 293. Brake колодки and fixing springs
- To establish both 293 springs of fixing specified in fig. brake колодок in the holder of a support. New springs establish, if were replaced brake колодки. They should be in the position specified in fig. 292;
- Cautiously to establish the support cylinder in the holder before position when it will be possible to screw in both bolts of fastening. At stronger pressing of the cylinder to the holder of a support fixing springs can be deformed. The cylinder should be established, as is shown in fig. 291, at first the top part, and then bottom;
- To tighten both bolts serially the moment 25 Нм;
- The further assemblage is necessary for spending in return sequence. If necessary it is necessary to modify liquid level in a tank of the main brake cylinder. Then some times to press a brake pedal that brake колодки have nestled on a disk. To tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel the moment 110 Нм.