Volkswagen Polo 3 with 1994 for 2001 of release.
1. The general data
2. The engine
3. Greasing system
4. Cooling system
5. Systems of injection of fuel
6. Ignition system
7. Coupling
8. A mechanical transmission
9. A drive of wheels
10. A steering without the amplifier
11. A steering with the hydraulic amplifier
12. A forward suspension bracket
13. A back suspension bracket
13.1. Removal and installation of a back suspension bracket
13.2. Removal and installation амортизаторных racks
13.3. Removal of rubber support of longitudinal levers
13.4. Bearings of naves of back wheels
13.5. Corners of installation of back wheels
14. Brake system
15. An electric equipment
16. Heating and ventilation system
17. An automatic transmission
18. Appendices


13.3. Removal of rubber support of longitudinal levers

Fig. 278. Details of a back suspension bracket: 1 — a bolt of fastening of a wheel, 110 Нм; 2 — a brake drum with the wheel bearing; 3 — the bolt, 60 Нм, is used with an elastic washer (4); 4 — an elastic washer; 5 — directing a cable of a lay brake; 6 — the bolt, 60 Нм, is used without an elastic washer (4); 7 — the holder of a cable of a lay brake; 8 — a cable of a lay brake; 9 — a nut, 65 Нм; 10 — a rubber support of longitudinal levers of a suspension bracket; 11 — a bridge beam; 12 — the holder of a cable of a lay brake; 13 — a bolt (to insert from within outside); 14 — conducting (system ABS); 15 — an arm of the bearing of a beam of the bridge; 16 — a bolt, 10 Нм; 17 — the gauge of frequency of rotation of a wheel; 18 — a bolt; 19 — the shock-absorber; 20 — a nut, 55 Нм; 21 — a nave pin; 22 — a board of the brake mechanism with brake колодками

Despite the fact that what 10 (fig. 278 see) longitudinal levers of a suspension bracket it is possible to replace rubber support without removal of a beam of the bridge, to perform this work in car-care centre as special strippers are necessary for replacement of rubber support is better.

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13.2. Removal and installation амортизаторных racks
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13.4. Bearings of naves of back wheels