Volkswagen Polo 3 with 1994 for 2001 of release.
1. The general data
2. The engine
3. Greasing system
4. Cooling system
5. Systems of injection of fuel
6. Ignition system
7. Coupling
8. A mechanical transmission
9. A drive of wheels
10. A steering without the amplifier
10.1. Removal and steering dismantling
10.2. Adjustment люфта the steering mechanism
10.3. A steering column
10.3.1. Removal and installation
10.4. Cross-section steering draughts
10.5. Adjustment of forward wheels
11. A steering with the hydraulic amplifier
12. A forward suspension bracket
13. A back suspension bracket
14. Brake system
15. An electric equipment
16. Heating and ventilation system
17. An automatic transmission
18. Appendices


10.3.1. Removal and installation

The prevention
At performance of works on removal of a steering wheel pay attention to presence of a pillow of safety. If you do not have sufficient experience and nearby there is no the skilled assistant, described below work it is not recommended to spend.

At removal of a pillow of safety pay attention to the following:
- Works on removal and installation of a pillow of safety should be spent only by the persons well enough knowing this operation;
- The storage battery should be disconnected. At connection of the storage battery (preliminary to include ignition) anybody cannot be on a seat of the driver;
- After removal a safety pillow to stack an upholstery upwards. Extraneous persons, especially children, should not have access to knot of a pillow of safety. If a pillow have casually dropped, unfortunately, it is necessary to establish the new.
Removal and installation of knot of a pillow of safety
For removal it is necessary to execute the following:
- To disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery;
- To establish a steering wheel in the position corresponding to movement directly;
- To turn out both screws with шестигранной a head from knot of an inflatable pillow of safety;

Fig. 241. A contact socket of a pillow of safety

- To remove knot of an inflatable pillow of safety from a steering wheel and to take out a contact socket (fig. 241) on its underside.
Installation is spent in return sequence. For fastening always it is necessary to use new screws with шестигранной a head. Screws to tighten only the moment 7 Нм.

The prevention
After installation of knot of a pillow of safety at first it is necessary to include ignition, and then to connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery. The finding thus on a seat of the driver categorically is forbidden.

Removal and installation of a steering wheel from a safety pillow
For removal it is necessary to execute following operations:
- To disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery;
- To remove knot of an inflatable pillow of safety as it is described above;
- To remove a casing located below the switch on a steering column;
- To take out the contact socket specified in fig. 241. If the cover is executed from foam rubber to remove it from a contact socket;

Fig. 243. An arrangement of a steering wheel with an inflatable pillow of safety after removal

- To unscrew шестигранную a nut of fastening of a steering wheel and to remove a steering wheel from a steering shaft.

The prevention
After removal of a steering wheel a few to develop aligning ring that the wire specified in fig. 243, has been turned downwards (to keep thus a steering wheel in adjusting position). The aligning ring remains thus in correct position and cannot be developed. At non-observance of such safety measures the aligning ring will be developed and can happen so that the socket being in an aligning ring for cable connection will test excessive pressure and will collapse.

At steering wheel installation it is necessary to execute following operations:
- To establish a steering wheel, to screw a nut and to tighten the moment 50 Нм. The Steering wheel is necessary for fixing thus from проворачивания, holding it for a rim;
- To connect a contact socket of an inflatable pillow of safety to a contact socket under a steering wheel;
- To establish a casing under a steering column. To pay attention that the place of connection of a wire for an aligning ring is in casing cut;
- To connect the contact socket which is in a casing of a steering wheel the tip with a contact socket of knot of a pillow of safety and to establish knot of an inflatable pillow of safety as it is described above.

The prevention
To include ignition and to connect a wire of "weight" to the storage battery (ignition should be always included before joining of a cable to the storage battery).

Removal and installation of a steering column

Fig. 242. Details of the top part of a steering column: 1 — a basic wall; 2 — a basic ring with a washer; 3 — the case of the lock of a steering; 4 — the switch on a steering column; 5 — a spring; 6 — the remote plug with шлицами; 7 — a nut, 50 Нм; 8 — safety срезной a bolt; 9 — an assembly collar; 10 — safety срезной a bolt

Fig. 244. Details of the bottom part of a steering column: 1 — шестигранная a nut, the left carving, 8 Нм; 2 — a nut, 6 Нм; 3 — the contact screw with the left carving; 4 — a plate; 5 — safety срезной a bolt; 6 — a washer; 7 — подкладная a plate; 8 — a pipe of a steering column; 9 — a control lever; 10 — a steering shaft; 11 — a nut, 25 Нм; 12 — a spring; 13 — the contact screw; 14 — an intermediate shaft; 15 — a deaf nut, at removal to replace usual, 25 Нм; 16 — the contact screw; 17 — the bottom bearing of a pipe of a steering column; 18 — a nut, 6 Нм; 19 — springs

On fig. 242 and 244 the details established on a steering column, and a regulator of position of height of a steering column are shown. For removal of a steering column it is necessary to drill safety срезные bolts a drill with a corresponding drill.
For removal of a steering column it is necessary to execute the following:
- To disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery;
- If the car is equipped by an inflatable pillow of safety to remove it as it is described above. In other cars to remove decorative facing in the central part of a steering wheel;
- To unscrew a steering wheel nut. It is necessary to do it only in the event that it is supposed to remove a steering wheel. To use for this purpose a face head with the extension piece. The steering wheel is necessary for fixing thus from проворачивания, holding it for a rim;
- To remove a steering wheel from a column;
- To remove decorative facing from the bottom party of switches of a steering column;
- To take out 241 tip specified in fig. from a socket;
- To operate according to instructions on steering removal inclusive to вывинчивания the contact screw карданного the hinge through an aperture in space for feet;
- To wring out by means of a screw-driver a plait of wires 1 as it is specified in fig. 245;

Fig. 245. A detachment of the holder of 1 wire

Fig. 246. A box (1) antijoy ride devices

- The antijoy ride device box if it is established, is in a place specified in fig. 246. To disconnect bolts of fastening of a box and to take out the tip from an electric socket of the switch on a steering column;
- To drill specified in fig. 247 safety срезные bolts. At drilling it is necessary to put on goggles;

Fig. 247. Safety срезной a bolt (1) (one party of fastening of a steering column is shown)

- To disconnect on a steering column a socket of the combined switch;
- On the bottom party to disconnect a steering column from an intermediate shaft. To remove for this purpose карданный the hinge from a small gear wheel and simultaneously to take out a steering column, having submitted it back.
Installation is spent to sequences, return to removal. On карданном the hinge it is necessary to replace a nut always. Safety - срезные bolts to tighten before breakage of heads. However, before it it is necessary to be convinced of reliability of landing of a steering column.
Dismantling and assemblage of a steering column
Dismantling and assemblage of a steering column (because of features of its design) — rather difficult operation. For this reason it should is spent on HUNDRED. In case of carrying out of any works it is possible to use fig. 242 and 244.
On the top party of a steering column there is a plug with шлицевым connection. To continue dismantling of a steering column, this detail is necessary for removing by means of a stripper with two captures which are got under the plug.

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10.3. A steering column
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10.4. Cross-section steering draughts